PodCs provides Niche Trends tool for Merch by Amazon, Redbubble, Etsy, shopify and offer unique print on demand products. Easily enable Print on Demand business to find profitable opportunities, track market demand and keep growing.
What is PodCs?
PodCs is a Print on Demand research tool with a database of over 45 million POD products, updated daily with thousands of new entries. Helping sellers discover emerging trends, identify winning products to grow their business to the top.
Redbubble Tool
- Redbubble Trends
- Redbubble Tag Generator
- Redbubble Rank
Merch By Amazon Tool
- Product Research
- Seller Trends
- Archive
- Deleted Product
- Keyword Analysis
- Sales Estimation
- Search Terms Rank
Etsy Trends
- Product Research
- Profits Calculator
- Keywords Research
- Tag Generator
TM Search
Social Media Holidays
- Redbubble Keywords
- Redbubble Products
- Merch By Amazon Products
- Etsy Products
- PodSpy Products
- Etsy Keywords
- Notes
- keyword processor
- Photopea
Why should use this niche research tool?
This niche research tool provides unique methods for merchants to identify profitable opportunities, optimize product listings, and stay competitive in today’s complex POD marketplace. Users will be provided with real-time keyword trends, competitor insights, trademark audits to reduce the risk of infringement, and trend tracking to identify high-performing designs.
What are the benefits of PodCs tool?
Powerful Keywords Trends Research
- The data of Keywords (Tags) comes from the search keywords of buyers from platforms such as Merch by Amazon, Etsy, Redbubble, Ebay, etc.
- Entering Keywords or Tags can get tons of Related Niches keywords in seconds. There are also tools such as locating competitors’ popular traffic keywords.
- This is a professional tool for researching keywords entirely for Print on Demand businesses, including Merch by Amazon Keywords, Redbubble Tag generator, Etsy Tag trends tools.
Easily discovering Print on Demand Niches
- PodCs has a database of more than 45 million Print on demand products, and the data is increasing at a rate of 50,000-100,000 per day.
- With built-in Niches filter, you can easily find products and quickly verify the success of your Niches ideas with the analysis of seasonal trends, profit estimates, and more.
Free Trademarks Warning and Check
- In any case, account security is the most important. Trademarks Warning is a powerful feature that can help determine if the tags, titles or description you want to use contain potentially infringing words or phrases.
- Trademark Check can check the trademark status of a single word or phrase. Add trademarks to watchlist can monitor any changes of trademark and will be notified by email.
Best Etsy tools to help your business grow
- Every day, people make a fortune on Etsy. To quickly join their ranks, podcs provides you with easy-to-use tools to help you make a breakthrough in the Etsy marketplace.
Find the winning products & POD design ideas
- PodSpy spies will regularly review all content and manually screen it to ensure that users can always view popular products.
Make work more convenient Tools+Social Media Holidays
- We provide some tools to help you work, making it easy for you to manage and process various information and data.
- Note tool allows you to easily record and save notes and ideas
- Keywords Processor tool can help you analyze and reorganize keywords
- Photopea tool can allow you to easily edit and process images and graphics.
Who is PodCs for?
PodCs is a powerful niche research tool for beginners and experienced sellers alike with essential tools to help you stay ahead of the curve. Here’s a list of who can benefit from it:
- Print on Demand Sellers
- Etsy, Amazon, Redbubble Merchants
- Entrepreneurs
- Small Business Owners
- Designers
- Artists
- Dropshippers
- E-commerce Sellers
- Marketing
- SEO Specialists
- Trademark-Conscious Sellers
Ultimately, we want to tell you to feel confident in creating passive income from Print on Demand stores, regardless of your experience level. PodCs is here to help you succeed and achieve more without any effort.
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