What is On-Page SEO? 20+ Best On-page Optimization Standards

What is On-Page SEO? 20+ Best On-page Optimization Standards

SEO professionals are likely aware that Google frequently makes adjustments to its ranking system. As a result, this creates a lot of problems and forces SEO website people to make frequent updates to remain competitive. Furthermore, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content creation on individual web pages have received increased attention from Google.

Not only will I explain what On-Page SEO is and why it’s important, but I’ll also give you some examples. In addition, Share Tool presents 20+ On-page SEO criteria that can be implemented to better your On-page SEO strategy.

Keywords, traffic, and overall website growth have all benefited greatly from the changes brought about by the results.

Hmm, what is it?

What is On-Page SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) that focuses on a single page or set of pages is called On-page SEO. The end goal is to have your website appear at the top of the first page of Google’s search results.

When you have complete command over the final product, On-page SEO is the best and simplest option.

Why should you optimize On-page SEO for articles?

It is not enough to merely write content; instead, you must also guarantee that it is optimized for On-page SEO standards and combine it with some Off-page strategies if you want it to appear near the top of the search results table for specific keywords.

In addition, if you write SEO-friendly On-page articles from the start, you’ll have more say over the content, be able to improve its quality and implement further On-page optimizations with ease.

Articles that are optimized for search engines should adhere to SEO standards for the title, meta description, headings (H1, H2), and URL, among other things. The following checklist of 20+ factors affecting SEO On-page will guide and explain in detail those requirements.

When should you build On-page SEO?

Building On-page SEO is crucial, therefore you should give it top emphasis. Especially when its adoption costs nothing. Specifically:

It’s important to begin optimizing your website for search engines (SEO) as soon as possible once it’s been developed. The configuration parameters can include, for example, the site’s architecture, HTTPS protocol, sitemap, etc.

Regular duties including creating fresh SEO material, doing content audits, reducing page load times, etc.

Even if you already have the number one spot on Google, you still need to do On-page SEO work to keep that spot for the long run.

Who should do On-page SEO?

On-page SEO is open to everyone who wishes to raise the ranks of their website, not just SEO experts. You might be a blogger, an affiliate, beginning a business with a product or service, etc. Everyone must practice on-page SEO.

Who should do On-page SEO?
Who should do On-page SEO?

10+ On-page standards are prioritized by Google

Here I’ll share with you the top 10+ On-page SEO guidelines that Google currently evaluates. If you learn and implement these 10+ best practices, Google will view your site favorably, giving you a better chance of rising swiftly in the SERPs.

1. Optimizing URLs in On-page SEO

When it comes to On-Page SEO, the URL plays a significant role.

Keep in mind that the shorter your URL is after On-Page SEO optimization, the better your chances of ranking.

To increase visibility, include your target term (highest search traffic) in the URL.
This means the following three things must be present in a decent SEO On-page standard URL:

  • Incorporates the primary SEO keyword (with the highest search volume)
  • Stay concise without leaving out any key details (top 1 URLs usually have an average of 59 words).
  • Related to the article content

Note: In order to improve search engine optimization (SEO), it is advised that many keywords with the same search intent (Search Intent) be grouped into a single URL..

2. Optimizing Title

To get people to read your post, you need a catchy title that relates to their search. From the point of view of a search engine, such as Google, optimizing the title will assist the engine crawl faster and more precisely, thus understanding the content of the article.

In this context, you understand the value of a strong title for search engine optimization, right?

In the past, all you had to do to improve your search engine rankings was include a keyword or two in the title. However, search engine giant Google has caught on and is working to lessen the significance of title tags that include the relevant keywords.

Optimizing Title
Optimizing Title

Some notes when optimizing Title:

  • Each Title is separated by “|” or “-“
  • Should contain keywords that need SEO On-page with the second highest search volume (The keyword with the highest search volume will be in the URL)
  • Should not repeat any of the URL’s existing keywords.
  • For example, if the URL is already seo service, the title should not be just “seo service” but should be “professional seo service”.
  • Putting SEO keywords in the top position of Title helps increase CTR rate & rankings.
  • You shouldn’t use the same heading as in Section 1. The title should include both relevant and identical keywords.
  • Use as many keywords as you can while remaining natural.

Note for the homepage:

In case you do On-page SEO for the homepage, the homepage needs to:

  • Brand name in Title.
  • The title should accurately reflect the contents of the parent directories and the entire domain.

The title of your homepage should encompass all the content you mention, so that Google can quickly understand and crawl all the sub-contents of your website.

3. Heading 1 in On-page SEO

Having content that is both relevant and timely is important to Google. Use the Heading 1 tag for On-Page SEO optimization, and aim for variety, relevance, and user-focus.

  • Includes highly relevant search engine optimization (SEO) keywords (with the 3rd most search volume).
  • Include article content
  • Only one Heading 1 tag is allowed. Using too many Heading 1 tags can cause Google to become confused, which will have a negative impact on the article’s ranking.
  • Needs to be a unique LSI keyword, not used in the Title or URL.
Heading 1 in On-page SEO
Heading 1 in On-page SEO

4. Heading 2-3 in On-page SEO

It’s not enough to just optimize Heading 1, though; you also need to optimize Headings 2-3 to help Google comprehend what your site’s about.

Heading 2-3 optimization considerations:

  • Give a quick glimpse at what the next paragraph will cover.
  • Make use of a large number of subheadings
  • The heading includes some Semantic Keywords that are connected to the topic at hand. Avoid overstuffing your paragraph with keywords; instead, keep it succinct and display its meaty subject matter.
  • Headings 2-3 have a major impact on search engine optimization, while headings 4-6 do not.

5. TOC (Table of Contents)

The structure of a table of contents is crucial.

  • Good optimization of user experience

When shopping for a book, it’s common to skim the table of contents and the opening title in order to locate the specific information you seek. The Table of Contents (TOC) is a navigational tool that assists readers in finding the specific chapter or subsection they need.

  • Google’s Hummingbird & Rankbrain Algorithm loves TOC

On the other hand, the TOC Plus Plugin for WordPress is another option.

TOC (Table of Contents)
TOC (Table of Contents)

6. Highlight the article’s primary topic in bold.

  • The article’s primary SEO terms should be higlighted in bold.
  • Spread out between the headings (H1, H2), the body (Body), and the conclusion (Conclusion), the main keyword density should be 1-3%. Spread tertiary keywords, related words, and synonyms throughout the article to boost the relevancy between concepts and create a cohesive whole.


7. Article length

Post length is one of Google’s fastest and easiest ways to gauge if your article is in-depth and user-oriented.

A proven data shows that, 1890 words will be the best number for the length of a standard SEO article.

Why 1890 words?

Articles longer than 2000 words, as demonstrated by Jonah Berger, are more likely to be shared. Due to the increased depth of material, visitors will spend more time perusing the web and reading articles.

A 190-word piece may have a better probability of being read than a 400-word article, but this does not mean that the latter is necessarily inferior. Longer articles (those that have more than 1890 words) will have a minor edge over shorter ones.

8. Semantic Keyword

Add dimension to your writing with semantic keywords. Semantic keywords, in contrast to LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords, aid both users and search engines in comprehending the article’s context and topic..

I mentioned the concept and how to optimize Semantic Content in the previous article What is Entity, please take a close look!

The standard procedure for On-page SEO involves first researching 10–20 Semantic Keywords and then using those terms throughout the text.

Use “SEO keyword Steve Jobs” as an illustration. Some examples of suitable semantic keywords are:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Apple founder
  • Macintosh, …

By using semantic keywords, you can help both readers and Google better comprehend the context of your Steve Jobs-related content. If you want to add “CEO,” you can do so because this person is Apple’s founder.

Plus, Apple, Pixar, and Walt Disney are all associated with the name “Steve Jobs.” Mentioning “Pixar” or “Walt Disney” will help Google create the result vector even if you aren’t trying to optimize for those terms. Connect the Entities together.

You should not bold the Steve Jobs keyword and force-fit it into the post in order to achieve the desired keyword density of 5% for search engine optimization of articles containing the Steve Jobs keyword.

What a charming method!! Instead, you should focus on optimizing for Semantic Keywords, as I have shown you.

Semantic Keyword
Semantic Keyword

9. Pictures

Optimizing the photographs you submit to your website is just as important as optimizing the keywords and content of the article.

  1. When naming photos, leave off the signature and use – to separate words.
  2. Make sure your picture tags are optimized for search engines.
  3. Name the file and fill out the image’s metadata (Title, Subtitle, Author, Meta Description, etc.) before uploading.

In addition, by implementing picture SEO at the peak of search, you can optimize even further.

Googlebot can only read text, not visuals, thus it is limited in what it can do. To that end, you should consider including some text with the image so that Google can better understand it.


  • Put to use the tags for alternate text (insert Semantic Keywords or SEO Keywords). A thorough description in the image’s alt tags will boost its search engine rankings.
  • The first picture needs to have SEO keywords written out literally, but you shouldn’t stuff too many phrases into it.

10. Optimize Meta Description

In search engine results, the Meta Description element provides a brief summary of your site’s content (no more than 156 characters) to pique consumers’ interest before they click.

It’s not worth your time to focus on keyword stuffing in the Meta Description at the moment because it’s not as effective as it once was.

Instead of trying to cram as many keywords as possible into this description, focus on improving the click-through rate to your site. After that, you can work in a roundabout way to raise search engine results for specific terms.

11. Optimize Readability

Primarily, you need to focus on making your writing easily readable. Then, how does one optimize a webpage for readability?

Optimize Readability
Optimize Readability

How easily your post can be read by readers is a measure of its readability.

This is crucial because it influences these four factors:

  1. Bounce Rate
  2. Dwell on time
  3. Conversion Rate
  4. Featured Snippets.

Why does it effect the four things listed above?

When you improve readability, you make it simpler for readers to absorb your content.. That leads them to stay reading the article longer.

Combined with internal linking, Readability will greatly reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates.

Is there a reason why it has an impact on those four factors?

Simply put, improving Readability facilitates data collection for readers. This causes individuals to spend more time reading the piece.

If you use Readability in conjunction with internal linking, you will notice a significant decrease in bounce rates and an increase in conversions.

8 Advanced On-page Standards

Many people don’t bother with advanced On-page standards since they are unclear to them and therefore difficult to execute. With the 8 On-page SEO guidelines I’ll be covering in this chapter, you’ll be able to set yourself apart from the competition and gain an edge in the market.

Original, Comprehensive, and Adaptive Material for Any Search Intent

When we talk about unique content, we don’t just mean that it doesn’t plagiarize other works; we also mean that it adds something to the conversation rather than rehashing old ideas.

You can do your research, read more sources so you can write something that hasn’t already been done. In addition to giving your content a sense of originality, this will also increase your readers’ appreciation for it.

In addition, it is essential that the material answer the customer’s questions or solve their problems. I’ll explain search intent a bit so you can get a better grasp on this topic.

In this context, “search intent” refers to the user’s goals and objectives when conducting a search using an engine like Google. Increasing your website’s traffic can be achieved by optimizing it for certain search intent.

Unique, In-depth and Responsive Search Intent Content
Unique, In-depth and Responsive Search Intent Content

There are many other kinds of intentions, but the nine most common ones today are listed below.

In the case of my “prom dress” search, for instance, the first set of results that appear on the page are exclusively visual. From this, I may infer that the user is interested in the primary visuals, as indicated by their choice of keyword. Since this is the case, one of my goals in putting this into practice will be to include more pictures in the articles.

visual images
visual images

Just like how you may use customer intent in search results to steer your content implementation in the direction that best fulfills user requirements. Consequently, the definition of “standard content” is not a large quantity of content but rather content that is optimized to respond to the needs of the reader.

Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets increase click-through rates on search engine results pages. When optimizing for Featured Snippets, it’s crucial to first understand the two most influential factors:

STEP 1. Credible website for these keywords

For a set of keywords, a site’s ranking on Google is proportional to how much it is trusted by the search engine. A pie chart detailing the relative frequency of each top’s Featured Snippets is provided below.

There are only 5 easy steps to optimizing your Featured Snippet.

STEP 2. Verified information

The second aspect that has an immediate impact on the Featured Snippet position is the quality of the website’s content.

When determining a website’s credibility, Google compares the content of the web with information gathered from important sites around the world. Google will trust this data as reliable if it shows high degrees of similarity to data from prominent news sites.

But… how does Google know that the top results are the ones that users actually need?

There comes a time when you must enable Google to comprehend that this is the information the user is seeking, and that Google should obtain that text.

And Readability facilitates the entire process.

STEP 3: Optimize Readability

Improve your content’s readability with the help of Yoast SEO.

Well, if you have Yoast SEO set up, all you need to do is activate the Readability feature.

Then, all you need to do is stick to Yoast’s SEO recommendations. You need only tweak it so that it’s just ok (orange), and not Good (green).

You can also incorporate movies, create more eye-catching graphics, encourage more user involvement, and lower the bounce rate by employing tools like Blockquotes, Tables, Bullets, and Points.

Internal Link and Outbound Link

Internal links and Outbound Link are both necessary for a well-optimized piece.

Internal linking simplifies user navigation, which in turn aids Google in collecting data. Also, it’s a means of passing authority from one position to another. In addition to helping the site’s SEO, providing users with additional useful information is always a plus.

Specifically, I have made a video outlining the Internal Link model in great depth, which allows you to push hundreds of keywords and optimize the greatest conversion rate.

You should also make sure your site links to other credible websites (known as “Outbound Links“). Including relevant external links on your site will improve Google’s understanding of your site’s subject matter and will also help you connect with related sites.

And remember, SEO benefits from external links. It multiplies your trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines like Google.


If you are still confused about what a “Blockquote” is, I will try to explain it to you here. HTML’s blockquote tag is what you use when you want to include a quote from another source into your own text.

Blockquotes are used to highlight important passages, highlight the author’s use of a famous phrase, or highlight the author’s use of facts or realities.

The Blockquote element will indent the text within it, setting it out from the rest of the article’s text.

The advantages of using Blockquote for On-Page SEO are as follows:

  • Copyrighted material from other websites is protected by the blockquote feature.
  • Help you achieve a higher Google ranking through On-page SEO

Advanced Image Optimization

As for pictures, I covered some fundamental ways to improve performance in the last chapter. In the next section, I will advise you on how to properly and efficiently optimize your photographs.

I’ll start by listing a few advantages of image optimization:

  • Featured and most popular images can be shown Google Picture
  • Aid in boosting search engine optimization
  • Brands that can be played and home brands

If you want to learn how to optimize your photographs in a more sophisticated manner, here are some tips:

  • Adjust the image’s dimensions to industry standards and give it a new name (600 or 900)
  • To improve the visibility of your photos online, download the Geosetter tool (for more information on using the Geotag date tool, see the article SEO Google Map).
  • Address and phone number in the comment section, keywords in the Tag
  • Author Biographical Details

When incorporating photos into articles, it’s also important to bear in mind the following criteria for the Image Entity:

  • It’s important that the photo be relevant to the content.
  • Expertise-Showing Industry Image
  • Evidence of accomplishments in the form of diplomas, licenses, and other documents of official standing

Advanced Title Optimization

Above, I’ve outlined some fundamentals of title optimization. In this post, I’ll provide you some additional practical advice to enhance the optimization of your titles and so boost your Onpage performance.

The following are two things to keep in mind about the title standard:

  • Title: 30 characters; SEO: 63 characters; URL: 63 characters
  • Uppercase characters 200, Title SEO 550, Main Body Text 800

Here are the three sophisticated criteria for title optimization:

  • In the upper left corner of the title, put the term you want people to find.
  • Analysis of competitors, all-encompassing improvement
  • Boost your search engine rankings by including alternative keywords in your title

Content GAP

If you are unfamiliar with the term “content gap,” allow me to fill you in first. The term “Content Gap” refers to the time spent researching and analyzing your content in order to pinpoint where it falls short in comparison to that of your competitors. That way, you can learn from your mistakes and use that knowledge to make your content stronger and give you an edge over the competition.

Content Gap has several positive effects.

  • Assist in identifying and rectifying content flaws and in enhancing content quality
  • Assist in finding promising avenues of inquiry and bringing in additional readers
  • Optimize and enhance the way you look for keywords so you can find the best ones.

Guide to Using Ahrefs’s Content Gap Function:

Step 1: To begin, you should look for competing domains. Pick up domain names of your rivals; look for popular websites they have that you don’t.

Your Competing domains are listed in the final column. Here’s some insight into the direct significance of the picture’s horizontal bars:

  • Blue: Search terms for which your website has a high Google score but few direct competitors.
  • Green: That portion of your keyword list that is in line with your rivals is shown in green.
  • Yellow: You’ll see a yellow bar representing the number of terms your competitors are using in their SEO campaigns.

Step 2: Go to Content Gap and then add a domain to check.

Step 3: Select Show keyword after inputting the domains to compare. You can use the information in the report to fine-tune your site.

Structured Data can be used to improve CTR (Schema Markup)

The click-through rate, or CTR, is another name for this metric. The click-through rate (CTR) is the number of times an advertisement has been clicked on divided by the total number of times it has been displayed.

Click-through rate (CTR) is a metric used in search engine optimization that reveals how many people viewed your link and how many actually clicked it. In general, a higher CTR indicates that customers have confidence in your website and that they were able to locate it with ease.

In addition to the usual standards (title, Meta Description, etc.), the usage of structured data is crucial for click-through-rate optimization.

Interactive content of all kinds can be generated with the help of structured data (Schema Markup). Users are more likely to interact with a website after having a positive visual experience made possible by structured data.

5 Other On-page SEO optimization standards

There are other considerations for optimization that should not be overlooked. Even though these guidelines are very minor, they help make the website as search engine friendly as possible. Let’s examine the remaining criteria in this chapter 4!

Anchor Text

The importance of anchor text in on-page SEO cannot be overstated. When creating a hyperlink, the “Anchor Text” must be precisely what it is you want the user to click on.

This snippet of writing clarifies for the reader exactly what the linked page is about. Because of this, you need to give the Anchor Text lots of thought and make sure it adequately describes the affiliate link’s destination.

Anchor Text
Anchor Text

Anchor text optimization suggestions:

  • Anchor Text should not simply read “click here” or “here,” but should describe the connected page in greater detail.
  • Avoid overusing the same anchor text. Update your Anchor Text with fresh content.


There is a massive audience with a constant hunger for video content. Take a look at these numbers to get an idea of how interesting people find videos:

  • About a third of people’s time spent online is dedicated to watching videos.
  • Twenty-five percent of the world’s population views videos online at least once a day.
  • Online video consumption is expected to grow to 100 minutes per day for the typical user by 2021, up 19 percent from 2019.
  • The percentage of businesses using promotional video has increased to 86%. (The Wyzowl Group’s 2021 Survey on the State of Video Marketing)

Add additional videos to your website to improve its performance. Videos from your own YouTube channel, helpful videos for viewers, and so forth are all fair game.


Posting videos straight to your blog gives your viewers more options for obtaining the information they need.


The website’s comment section serves a significant purpose and adds value to the platform. This also contributes to better on-page search engine optimization. Some notable points raised in the feedback include:

  • Increase communication between your company and its customers by allowing the latter to respond in depth to any inquiries the former receives.
  • Build your company’s reputation for reliability and competence: An organization’s reliability rises when customers can leave honest feedback and get committed responses.

Customers are more likely to stick around if they feel like their questions were answered or if they have a more nuanced understanding of the company’s reputation thanks to the comments they read. Make use of this to your advantage in order to fulfill their needs more completely.


A website’s “favicon” is its icon, or logo. For your convenience, I have provided an example below below. Particularly, it’s a tiny icon on the tab’s upper left. Brand recognition is made easier for Favicon users.

When a website is bookmarked, the favicon can be used to quickly recognize it. A website’s appeal and ability to make an impact on its visitors are both diminished without a custom Favicon.

It’s a minor detail, yet it can affect your On-Page SEO rankings.

Social Share

You should realize that Google has always considered the Social Share signal to be a high grade indicator of an article’s worth.

Cognitive SEO conducted a study in 2016 that found G+ sharing now has the most impact on social network rankings, followed closely by Facebook.

As a result, you should strive to produce high-quality, in-depth content when you can. Request that readers pass your post along to their friends and family.

The 5 most effective Check On-page tools

I’ll show you the five finest On-page checker tools available right now to make On-page SEO a breeze. Listed below are some of the On-page SEO tools that Share Tool has found useful.


As a first step, let me show you the Frase program. In terms of website content, this is the ultimate assist tool. Article length, meta tags, titles, images in articles, page load speed, etc… are all factors that can be analyzed by the tool’s SEO analysis tools.

Using the tool, you can identify problematic areas in your content and build an SEO strategy to audit and standardize it.


  • SpyFu search marketing tool reveals your competitors’ innermost search engine optimization and ranking strategy.
  • By conducting a search, you can examine every instance in which a domain has been advertised on Google over the past eleven years, including every paid search result, organic search result, and ad iteration.
  • Find out how to make links in these areas as well. Discover unique online and offline lead sources, including social media, email, phone, and address.

Rank Math

With the help of Rank Math, a WordPress plugin designed for search engine optimization, anyone can easily improve their content with built-in suggestions based on generally accepted best practices. With Structured data, you can easily modify critical SEO parameters, such as which pages can be indexed and how you want your website to appear in search results.

  • You have access to everything you need to create and maintain a popular website.
  • There are 15 preinstalled modules that can be enabled and customized to your needs.
  • Issues can be discovered with a thorough SEO audit by looking at 30 different parameters.
  • Quick and simple imports from other SEO plugins ensure a painless transition.
  • Suitable for use with both the Gutenberg and Classic Editors of WordPress.
  • Take advantage of 15 data kinds for more descriptive results (incl. FAQ & HowTo Schema)
  • Follow your keyword ranks to gauge your SEO progress.

On-page SEO Checker of SEMRush

On-page SEO Checker of Semrush is a popular option for those in need of an On-page standard check. You can use it to analyze your site’s support options and compare it to those of your top 10 competitors.

Next, we’ll offer advice on how to boost your site’s visibility in search engines using on-page optimization and promotional measures.


Moz is a website evaluation tool that provides a score based on various factors. Domain Authority and Page Authority form the basis of the evaluation. As an added bonus, Moz will help you reduce the amount of spam on your site. Because of this, you may prevent future complications and implement a solution before they even emerge.

  • Multiple Search Engines
    It is possible to monitor a keyword’s performance on a number of different search engines at once, such as Google (US and International), Google Mobile, Yahoo, and Bing.
  • SEO Insights
    Find out what to do next, such as content suggestions based on keywords, or the most pressing problems with your site.
  • 1-on-1 Walkthrough
    You can get help and support from others. Take advantage of Moz Pro to its fullest with a guided tour of its most useful features and tools.
  • 24-Hour Online Support
    Same-day support from a live person is just a click away if you ever get stuck, have questions, or need some guidance.


For a more comprehensive approach to website optimization, you should look at the Technical SEO requirements in addition to the On-page SEO principles I discussed above.


Everything you need to know about On-page SEO, including the most fundamental elements, is up there.
I’m hoping that after reading this post, you’ll have a clearer idea of what On-page SEO is. Also, it simplifies SEO for your entire website, helping you rank higher in Google.

If you found this article to be helpful, please consider sharing it.

Have a good time!

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